sábado, novembro 02, 2013


As though bearing a mountain in my skirts
My whole body hurts
I recognize love by the pain
My whole body's length

As though a field in me had been rent
For the least deluge.
I recognize love by the distance
Of everything nearest.

As though a lair had been dug inside me,
To the core, the tar.
I recognize love by the vein
Moaning my body's

Length. Fanning out like a mane,
Sudden gust, a Hun:
I recognize love by the crack
Of all the truest

Throat strings; rust in the throat
Crevices. Live salt.
I recognize love by the cleft,
No, by the trill,
My whole body's length.

- Marina Tsvetáeva
(translated by Jamey Gambrell)

1 comentário:

violeta13 disse...

" O meu amor não corresponde a nenhum tempo, a nenhum lugar. Nunca será uma entrada em certo quarto a certa hora. É uma saída de tudo, a começar pela minha própria pele! Quando acabar é o grande regresso a mim mesma."

Marina Tsvietaieva, Noites Florentinas, Terceira Carta
(tradução de Luís Matos da Costa)